Turbulent-cavitation module MTC-1M


The turbulent-cavitation module (MTC-1M) is designed for processing raw materials in a liquid continuous phase to intensify technological processes occurring in heterogeneous media (homogenization, pasteurization, dispersion, emulsification, dissolution, extraction, etc.) with heating of the processed medium.

The processing process is based on the organization of counter-transverse flows of the treated liquid in a confined space of the cavitation chamber channels at a design speed. Wide possibilities for adjusting the speed, direction of flows, processing time in flow-through/batch modes, organization of local and volumetric temperature gradients in the environment, oxygen-free or bubbling processing methods, thermal vacuum sublimation make it possible to process a wide range of liquid raw materials to obtain a variety of products.

The main consumers of the module are oil refineries, chemical plants, food industry enterprises (oil and fat factories, dairies, soft drink factories, breweries, distilleries), enterprises producing perfume products, that is, where it is necessary to prepare high-quality mixtures and emulsions, pasteurization product, blending of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, etc.

Modifications of the basic product of the module are the following versions:

MTC-1MO – oil refining industry
MTC-1MC – chemical industry
MTC-1MF – food industry
MTC-1MWV – wine and vodka industry
MTC-1MP – perfume industry

М Т C ‑ 1М Х

│ │ │      │ └──── Affiliation with industry

│ │ │      └────  Number of magnetic amplifiers

│ │ └──────  Cavitation

│ └──────  Turbulent

└──────  Module

The module is fitted with equipment suitable for operations in explosion hazard areas in premises and for outside use in plants of class 1 and 2 according to GOST Р 51330.9 which can form explosion hazard gas-air mixtures of categories PA and PV and explosion hazard categories Т1, Т2, Т3 and Т4 according to GOST Р 51530.5.
The module is produced in climatic version UKhL in category 1 according to GOST 15150.

Manufacturer’s guarantees 

The equipment manufacturer provides the following guarantees for its products:

Compliance with the requirements of TU U 29.5-24670716-101:2005 and OST 26-06-2003-77;

Reliable and safe operation during 12 months from the date of commissioning, but not exceeding 18 months from the date of shipment by the manufacturer, under condition of observing by the customer the rules of transportation, storage, installation and operation provided by the technical  documentation;

Removing of defects occurring during the guarantee period as a result of malfunction of module components due to manufacturing defects;

The guarantee does not cover replacement parts of pump sealing, with operation life depending on the conditions of operation;

The module must not be disassembled by the customer without the manufacturer’s representative until the expiry of the guarantee term;

The customer is allowed to perform revision of pumps according to their technical requirements;

The guarantee term is 12 months from the date of module commissioning.

Average operational life until malfunction is not less than 2500 hours.
Average repair time with necessary spare parts and repair tools available is not exceeding 8 hours.
Average operational life until capital overhaul (in single-shift operation mode) is not less than 5 years.

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